Well guys.... long time no see, It seems that i have been gone for 1 year.....many things have changed, like now i am in a polytechnic,RP as in Republic Polytechnic and finally, join a CCA, which we name it Interest Group or IG. A Japanese Culture IG, where i could talk about anything that is Anime related or even games- related stuff, etc.
In JCIG, I have met many friends, they are nice to me at times XD, but trolling can happen any time....
Let see, who should introduce first?? Oh I know, Lets start with the Seniors in JCIG or I would like to call them as "
先輩 "
Derek: He was the guy who asked me if i want to join JCIG and he was the first Senior that I have met...My thought of him is that he's a good Senior to have and he like to troll people especially (Alex) and me at times I will tell you about him later. Overall, I like him and I wish to know more about Old Anime and Anime Songs, plus, he is a Rockman fan.
Favorite food: anything with Cheese.....He love cheese XD
Nikki: She is one of the Senior I have come to known during the start of JCIG very first meeting for me, she love final fantasy games and music that inspire her to make a story(fighting scenes, Storyline, etc...) To us, JCIG members, She is a motherly figure and we all love her. Overall, I wish she could let me hear more of her music and talk more about her roleplaying as she loves to Roleplay in her chat at times.
Favorite Food: Need to ask her......
Zane: He is one of the seniors that i know that is fun to be with during events, I have that feeling it would be like that. recently he had shaved his hair for the a event. his favorite characters in FF is Lighting from FF13
and love to play Pokemon. Overall, I might want to have a battle with his team of Pokemon if i can or maybe, I could make a MTG Deck to Play against him(if I have enough money to make one.....TT.TT)
Favorite Food: IDK, Should I ask him???